As a child, I feared not the boogeyman, nor the dark, for me they were easily conquered. No, for me true fear struck in the form of road trips. There was little I feared more than getting in and staying in that mobile, stuffy, and often crowded closet for more than short amounts of time. This fear was only multiplied by my generally negative disposition and tendency to get motion sick extremely easily. These terrible ingredients stirred and boiled at the proper temperature for the correct amount of time produce a porridge Goldilocks wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. This is not to say I didn’t suffer through a road trip here and there for a trip to the Nashville zoo or Atlanta Aquarium.

We had finally crested the final hill and pulled into the parking lot when suddenly I could no longer hold it. Within moments I was not only drenched in a mixture of what used to be 6 chicken Mc-nuggets and a medium sprite (supposedly good for upset stomachs), but so was the entire seat in front of me. After a few moments of horrified staring followed by frenzied crying, we decided that the best course of action was to send one or more members of our group into the gift shop to explore the possibility of purchasing new clothes for me so that our journey could continue.
“Pardon me sir, do you sell clothing here, pants and shirts?” my faithful friend Steven asked the clerk. “Well, no pants, but we do have a line of zoo Birmingham zoo themed t-shirts over there. What size were you looking for?” the clerk answered. “No pants? We’ll have one extra-large, sir.”
Well said sir.
ReplyDeleteI was always proud to support the cause of the tan. I may not have every gotten one, but I loved them just the same.