Mona Lisa Pales
The Sun Maid girl is a babe. For reals, this chick has moves. It's not just her perfect complexion, rosy cheeks, brilliant brown eyes, and thick brown locks that make her so attractive; nor is it her soft smile and the gentleness in her eyes. Don’t get me wrong, all the afore mentioned traits are absolutely part of what makes her such a fox, but what really gives her swag is found in her title. She is the sun maid. Adding to her simple gorgeousness is the fact that this girl has been laboring in the sun all day and still has that kind smile. That’s flat out hot. She’s been picking grapes all day, the sun is setting, and she’s still beaming. She’s happy to toil beneath the oppressive rays of the relentless sun. A lesser woman would use her beauty to shirk manual labor, and manipulate her way into a life of ease. Not this girl, no way. She’s no sellout. She’s not looking to depend on anyone, but she’s not so proud that she won’t work in a field. She’s content to do menial work, but why? Does she have infirmed parents to provide for? Were her husband and father-in-law killed defending their homeland, and she’s chosen to loyally support her mother-in-law and follow her back to her homeland, so she works the only job a foreign woman can find? Is her name Ruth? Could be… The point is, she is obviously noble. And pretty. So, to recap, the Sun Maid girl is basically the girl of my dreams. Curse fiction.
Very inspiring.